Day 1
10 September 2013
Theme 1: Dimensions of Child Poverty
o Multidimensional
Child Poverty in Papua: Empirical Evidence from 6 Districts
Erlangga Agustino Ladiyanto (UNICEF Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Inequality
and Child Well-Being: The Case of Indonesia
Arianto Patunru (Australian National
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Associations
of Child Poverty: Patterns and Differences
Grace Hadiwidjaja, World Bank, Jakarta)
(Indonesian) �(English)
Theme 2: Child-Sensitive Social
Protection and Poverty Reduction
o Perdagangan Anak Perempuan yang
Dilacurkan: Potret Suram Kemiskinan Versus Perlindungan Anak/Female
Child Sex Trafficking: Gloomy Portrayal of Poverty Versus Child Protection
Yanuar Farida Wismayanti (Kementerian Sosial
Republik Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Quality
of Life of Deinstitutionalized Children in Biological Families in Georgia
Natia Partskhaladze (UNICEF Georgia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Prevalence
of Child Marriage and Its Determinants among Young Women in Indonesia
Joseph Marshan (SMERU Research Institute, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
Theme 3: Inclusive Social Protection
o Mapping of
Social Protection Measures for Children Affected by AIDS in Asia-Pacific
Shirley Mark Prabhu (UNICEF East Asia and
the Pacific Regional Office, Thailand)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o The Impact
of HIV on Children�s Education in Indonesia
Aang Sutrisna (AIDSina Foundation,
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Program
Jaminan Hidup untuk Anak Dengan HIV (ADHA) di DIY/Life Insurance Program
for Children with HIV in Yogyakarta
Juniati Rahmadani (Komisi Penanggulangan
AIDS Provinsi DIY, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
Theme 4: Integrated Social Protection
o Including
Homeless Families and Children in the Social Protection System: A Brief
Review of International Experience and Data on a Philippine Pilot Program
David Barua Yap (Asian Institute of
Management Policy Center, Philippines)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Anak-Anak
Miskin di Perkotaan/Urban Poor Children
Bagong Suyanto (Universitas Airlangga,
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Needs
Assessment of Reintegrated Families in Georgia
Ia Shekriladze (Save the Children,
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Challenges
in Home-Based Care and Support for Children (0-12 Years Old) in Jakarta,
Nita Anggriawan (Lentera Anak Pelangi,
Atma Jaya University, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
Theme 5: Enabling Environment for Social Protection
o From
Social Protection to Social Inclusion for Children in Poverty: Bridging the
Disparities with Integrated Policy Design
Tamo Chattopadhay (Institute for
Education and Social Development, India)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Children
with an Absent Parent: Are They Worse-Off?
Melissa Siegel (Maastricht Graduate School
of Government, Netherlands)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Enhancing
Role of Family and Social Worker For Children with Disability
Rini Hartini Rinda A. (Sekolah Tinggi
Kesejahteraan Sosial, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o One Size
Doesn�t Fit All: Stunting for Under 5 Children and Social Protection in
Wei Ha (UNICEF Tanzania)
(Indonesian)� (English)
Policy Discussion I
o How Can
Indonesia�s Social Assistance Program Be More Child Sensitive?
Dr. Bambang Widianto (Executive Secretary
of TNP2K)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Child Poverty
in East Asia and the Pacific: Deprivations and Disparities: A Study of
Seven Countries
Lena Nguyen (UNICEF East Asia and Pacific
Regional Office, Thailand)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Strengthening
Community-Based Social Protection Practices for Child Protection
Ei Ei Thu (Social Policy and Poverty
Research Group, Myanmar)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Child
Protection and Social Protection: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Keetie Roelen (Institute of Development Studies,
(Indonesian)� (English)
Day 2
11 September 2013
Theme 1: Dimensions of Child Poverty
o The Economic Consequences of Malnutrition in
Saykham Voladet (National Economic Research Institute (NERI), Ministry of
Planning and Investment, Lao PDR)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Double-Burden
of Malnutrition as a Consequence of Poverty Co-Exists in the Same
Households in East Indonesia: Analysis of IFLS East 2012 data
Avita A. Usfar (TNP2K, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Balita Keluarga Miskin di Wilayah
Prioritas Kerawanan Pangan di Indonesia Lebih Rentan Mengalami Gangguan
Gizi/Under-Five Children of Poor Households Living in
Food Insecure Regions Are More Vulnerable to Malnutrition
Annis Catur Adi (Universitas Airlangga,
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Penguatan Modal Sosial untuk Perlindungan
Sosial Rumah Tangga Miskin dalam Mengoptimalkan Status Gizi dan
Perkembangan Sosial Emosi Anak/Strengthening of Social Capital for the
Social Protection for Poor Households in Optimizing Children�s Nutritional
Status as well as Their Social and Emotional Developments
(Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Targeting
the Poorest Children in Cambodia: Who and Where Are They? Reaching the
Poorest Children in Cambodia: A Multi-Deprivation Analysis
Usha Mishra Hayes (UNICEF Cambodia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Kemiskinan Anak Usia Kurang dari Lima Tahun
pada Rumah Tangga dengan Rata-Rata Pengeluaran yang Terletak pada Kuantil
Pertama Tahun 2008-2010 di Indonesia/Under-Five Poverty in Households in
First Quintile Based on Average Expenditure (Indonesia, 2008�2010)
Novi Hidayat Pusponegoro (STIS, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Dinamika Kemiskinan dan Pengukuran
Kerentanan Kemiskinan dalam Upaya Melindungi Anak-Anak dari Dampak
Kemiskinan/The Dynamics of Poverty and The
Measuring of Poverty Vulnerablity In Effort To Protect Children from
Poverty Impact
Armelia Zukma Kumala (BPS, South
(Indonesian)� (English)
Integrating Monetary and Non-Monetary
Measures of Child Poverty and Deprivation
Martin Evans (UNICEF Headquarters, US)
(Indonesian)� (English)
Theme 2: Child-Sensitive Social
Protection and Poverty Reduction
o Solidaritas Sebagai Strategi Survival Anak Jalanan Studi Kasus di
Lempuyangan Yogyakarta/Peer Solidarity as Survival Strategy of Street
Childrem: Case Study in Lempuyangan
Andari (Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia)
Children�s Access to Right to Education in Areas of Civil Unrest: Role of
Youth in World�s Largest Democracy
Gunjan Wadhwa
(National Commission for Protection of Child
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Recognizing
Children�s Contribution to Care Work at the Household: The Potential Role
of Social Protection in Maintaining Child�s Right and Wellbeing
Rachma Indah Nurbani (SMERU Research
Institute, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Contractual
Children Savings Accounts in Low Resource Communities: Who Saves?
Leyla Karimli (Columbia University, US)
(Indonesian)� (English)
Theme 3: Inclusive Social Protection
o Social Protection Initiatives and Their Ability to Tackle Child
Labour: Examining the Case of Internal Child Migrants in Indonesia
Singh (ILO Thailand)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Perubahan
Perilaku Anak Jalanan dalam Melakukan Aktivitas Mendapatkan Penghasilan dan
Implikasinya bagi Kebijakan Sistem Perlindungan Sosial Anak Jalanan di Kota
Bandung/ Behavioral Changes among Street Children throughout All Phases of
Their Income-Generating Activities and the Implications for the Policy on
Social Protection for Street Children in Kota Bandung
Suharma (STKS, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Pekerja
Anak, Kemiskinan, dan Nilai Ekonomi Anak, Studi Kasus Provinsi Lampung
Tahun 2011/Child Labor, Poverty, and Child�s Economic Value: 2011 Case
Study in Lampung
Rizqa Fithriani (BPS Lampung, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Migration
and the Incidence of Child Labor: Evidence from Left-Behind Children in
Niken Kusumawardhani (SMERU Research
Institute, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
Theme 5: Enabling Environment for Social
o Groundwork for Strengthening the Rural Health System: How to
Revitalize the Roles of Village Midwives?
Puthut Harmiko (WVI Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Meningkatkan
Kapasitas Ibu dalam Melakukan Mediasi Perkembangan Kognitif Anak: Studi
pada Ibu dengan Sumberdaya Terbatas di Daerah Endemik GAKI/Enhancing
Mothers� Capacity in Mediating Their Children�s Cognitive Development:
Study on Mothers with Limited Resources in Areas with Iodine Deficiency
Leny Latifah (Litbangkes Kemenkes,
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Evidence-Based
Planning in Improving the Health Service and Insurance Utilization in
Addressing Child Survival
M. Faozi Kurniawan (Pusat Kebijakan dan
Manajemen Kesehatan, Indonesia)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Mother's
Social Capital and Child Health in Indonesia
Sujarwoto (Universitas Brawijaya,
(Indonesian)� (English)
Policy Discussion II
o Social Protection Floors in South East Asia: Closing Protection Gaps
for Children and Families
Chadwick (ILO, Indonesia)
o Child Poverty
and Social Protection in the Philippines
Augusto Rodriguez (UNICEF Philippines)
(Indonesian)� (English)
o Malaysia�s
Approach in Curbing Child Poverty and Increasing Social Protection
Chua Choon Hwa (Malaysia�s
Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia)
(Indonesian)� (English)