Child Poverty and Social Protection



10–11 September 2013



Grand Sahid Jaya, Jakarta - Indonesia


Supported by UNICEF Indonesia, the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), and The SMERU Research Institute





Day 1

Tuesday, 10 September 2013





Video: Equity for all Indonesian Children

Report from Organizer (Room: Candi Singosari)

Dra. Nina Sardjunani, MA. (Deputy Minister for Human Resources, BAPPENAS)

Opening Remarks

Angela Kearney (UNICEF Indonesia Representative)

          (Indonesian)  (English)


Dr. Salim Segaf Al Jufri (Minister for Social Affairs)

          (Indonesian)  (English)


Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar, S.I.P (Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection)

          (Indonesian)  (English)


Prof. Dr. Armida S. Alisjahbana (Minister for National Development Planning/Head of BAPPENAS)

          (Indonesian)  (English)



Coffee Break

Press Conference (Candi Bentar Room)

-  Press release (ind) (eng)

-  Media Coverage

-   Twitter

-   List of Media


Keynote Speech (Candi Singosari Room)

Dr. Katja Hujo (UNRISD)

          (Indonesian)  (English)


Moderator: Dr. Niloufar Pourzand (UNICEF Indonesia)


Lunch Break



Candi Singosari

Multidimensional Child Poverty in Papua: Empirical Evidence from 6 Districts
Erlangga Agustino Ladiyanto (UNICEF Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Inequality and Child Well-Being: The Case of Indonesia
Arianto Patunru (Australian National University)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Associations of Child Poverty: Patterns and Differences
Grace Hadiwidjaja, World Bank, Jakarta)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Anna Winoto, MPA (UNICEF)



Dr. Ir. Rudi Soeprihadi

Prawiradinata, MRCP, Ph.D


Theme 1:

Dimensions of Child Poverty


Candi Pawon 1

Perdagangan Anak Perempuan yang Dilacurkan: Potret Suram Kemiskinan Versus Perlindungan Anak/Female Child Sex Trafficking: Gloomy Portrayal of Poverty Versus Child Protection
Yanuar Farida Wismayanti (Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Quality of Life of Deinstitutionalized Children in Biological Families in Georgia
Natela Partskhaladze (UNICEF Georgia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Prevalence of Child Marriage and Its Determinants among Young Women in Indonesia
Joseph Marshan (SMERU Research Institute, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Ir. Destri Handayani, ME.




Dr. Heru Kasidi


Theme 2:

Child-Sensitive Social Protection and Poverty Reduction


Candi Pawon 2

Mapping of Social Protection Measures for Children Affected by AIDS in Asia-Pacific
Shirley Mark Prabhu (UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, Thailand)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


The Impact of HIV on Children’s Education in Indonesia
Aang Sutrisna (AIDSina Foundation, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Program Jaminan Hidup untuk Anak Dengan HIV (ADHA) di DIY/Life Insurance
Program for Children with HIV in Yogyakarta
Juniati Rahmadani (Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Provinsi DIY, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Dr. Bagus Ario

(KesSos UI)



Dr. Fonny J. Silfanus, MKes

(Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional)

Theme 3:

Inclusive Social Protection


Candi Kalasan 1

Including Homeless Families and Children in the Social Protection System: A Brief Review of International Experience and Data on a Philippine Pilot Program
David Barua Yap (Asian Institute of Management Policy Center, Philippines)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Anak-Anak Miskin di Perkotaan/Urban Poor Children
Bagong Suyanto (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Needs Assessment of Reintegrated Families in Georgia
Ia Shekriladze (Save the Children, Georgia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Challenges in Home-Based Care and Support for Children (0-12 Years Old) in Jakarta, Indonesia
Nita Anggriawan (Lentera Anak Pelangi, Atma Jaya University, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Ir. Esther Fitrinika




Dr. Kanya Eka Santi



Theme 4:

Integrated Social Protection



Candi Kalasan 2

From Social Protection to Social Inclusion for Children in Poverty: Bridging the Disparities with Integrated Policy Design
Tamo Chattopadhay (Institute for Education and Social Development, India)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Children with an Absent Parent: Are They Worse-Off?
Melissa Siegel (Maastricht Graduate School of Government, Netherlands)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Enhancing Role of Family and Social Worker For Children with Disability
Rini Hartini Rinda A. (Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Stunting for Under 5 Children and Social Protection in Tanzania
Wei Ha (UNICEF Tanzania)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Drs. Tata Sudradjat, M.Si

(Save the Children)



Dr. Harry Hikmat (Kemensos)


Theme 5:

Enabling Environment for Social Protection




Coffee Break



Policy Discussion I (Room: Candi Singosari)


Fiona Howell





Rof. Irwanto, Ph.D

(Puska PA UI)




How Can Indonesia’s Social Assistance Program Be More Child Sensitive?
Dr. Bambang Widianto (Executive Secretary of TNP2K)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Child Poverty in East Asia and the Pacific: Deprivations and Disparities: A Study of Seven Countries
Lena Nguyen (UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, Thailand)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Strengthening Community-Based Social Protection Practices for Child Protection
Ei Ei Thu (Social Policy and Poverty Research Group, Myanmar)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Child Protection and Social Protection: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Keetie Roelen (Institute of Development Studies, UK)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Dinner (Candi Prambanan Room, only for speakers and steering committee)

Hosted by UNICEF Indonesia



Day 2

Wednesday, 11 September 2013





Wrap-up of Day 1 Parallel Sessions (Room: Candi Singosari)

Drs. MA. Budhy Prabowo, MSi

(Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak)


Distinguished Speaker (Room: Candi Singosari)

Dr. Stephen Kidd (Development Pathways, UK)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Rapporteur (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)

Moderator: Dr. Sanjoyo, M.Ec (BAPPENAS)


Coffee Break



Candi Singosari

The Economic Consequences of Malnutrition in Lao PDR

Dr. Saykham Voladet (National Economic Research Institute (NERI), Ministry of Planning and Investment, Lao PDR)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Double-Burden of Malnutrition as a Consequence of Poverty Co-Exists in the Same Households in East Indonesia: Analysis of IFLS East 2012 data
Avita A. Usfar (TNP2K, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Balita Keluarga Miskin di Wilayah Prioritas Kerawanan Pangan di Indonesia Lebih Rentan Mengalami Gangguan Gizi/Under-Five Children of Poor Households Living in Food Insecure Regions Are More Vulnerable to Malnutrition
Annis Catur Adi (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Penguatan Modal Sosial untuk Perlindungan Sosial Rumah Tangga Miskin dalam Mengoptimalkan Status Gizi dan Perkembangan Sosial Emosi Anak/Strengthening of Social Capital for the Social Protection for Poor Households in Optimizing Children’s Nutritional Status as well as Their Social and Emotional Developments

Alfiasari (Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Dr. Pungkas Bajuri Ali





Dr. Minarto MPS



Theme 1:

Dimensions of Child Poverty



Candi Pawon 1

Targeting the Poorest Children in Cambodia: Who and Where Are They? Reaching the Poorest Children in Cambodia: A Multi-Deprivation Analysis
Usha Mishra Hayes (UNICEF Cambodia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Kemiskinan Anak Usia Kurang dari Lima Tahun pada Rumah Tangga dengan Rata-Rata Pengeluaran yang Terletak pada Kuantil Pertama Tahun 2008-2010 di Indonesia/Under-Five Poverty in Households in First Quintile Based on Average Expenditure (Indonesia, 2008–2010)
Novi Hidayat Pusponegoro (STIS, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Dinamika Kemiskinan dan Pengukuran Kerentanan Kemiskinan dalam Upaya Melindungi Anak-Anak dari Dampak Kemiskinan/The Dynamics of Poverty and The Measuring of Poverty Vulnerablity In Effort To Protect Children from Poverty Impact
Armelia Zukma Kumala (BPS, South Sulawesi)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Integrating Monetary and Non-Monetary Measures of Child Poverty and Deprivation
Martin Evans (UNICEF Headquarters, US)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Widjajanti Isdiyoso M.Ec. St




Dr. Sudarno Sumarto (TNP2K)


Theme 1:

Dimensions of Child Poverty



Candi Pawon 2

Solidaritas Sebagai Strategi Survival Anak Jalanan Studi Kasus di Lempuyangan Yogyakarta/Peer Solidarity as Survival Strategy of Street Childrem: Case Study in Lempuyangan
Soetji Andari (Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Ensuring Children’s Access to Right to Education in Areas of Civil Unrest: Role of Youth in World’s Largest Democracy

Gunjan Wadhwa (National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, India)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Recognizing Children’s Contribution to Care Work at the Household: The Potential Role of Social Protection in Maintaining Child’s Right and Wellbeing
Rachma Indah Nurbani (SMERU Research Institute, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Contractual Children Savings Accounts in Low Resource Communities: Who Saves?
Leyla Karimli (Columbia University, US)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Santi Kusumaningrum

(Puska PA UI)



Drs. Samsudi, MM


Theme 2:

Child-Sensitive Social Protection and Poverty Reduction



Candi Kalasan 1

Social Protection Initiatives and Their Ability to Tackle Child Labour: Examining the Case of Internal Child Migrants in Indonesia
Simrin Singh (ILO Thailand)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Perubahan Perilaku Anak Jalanan dalam Melakukan Aktivitas Mendapatkan Penghasilan dan Implikasinya bagi Kebijakan Sistem Perlindungan Sosial Anak Jalanan di Kota Bandung/ Behavioral Changes among Street Children throughout All Phases of Their Income-Generating Activities and the Implications for the Policy on Social Protection for Street Children in Kota Bandung
Suharma (STKS, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Pekerja Anak, Kemiskinan, dan Nilai Ekonomi Anak, Studi Kasus Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2011/Child Labor, Poverty, and Child’s Economic Value: 2011 Case Study in Lampung
Rizqa Fithriani (BPS Lampung, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Migration and the Incidence of Child Labor: Evidence from Left-Behind Children in Indonesia
Niken Kusumawardhani (SMERU Research Institute, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Harmein Harun, MD, Msc. (GIZ)



Drs. Muji Handaya, M.Si


Theme 3:

Inclusive Social Protection



Candi Kalasan 2

Groundwork for Strengthening the Rural Health System:
How to Revitalize the Roles of Village Midwives?
Markus Puthut Harmiko (WVI Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Meningkatkan Kapasitas Ibu dalam Melakukan Mediasi Perkembangan Kognitif Anak: Studi pada Ibu dengan Sumberdaya Terbatas di Daerah Endemik GAKI/Enhancing Mothers’ Capacity in Mediating Their Children’s Cognitive Development: Study on Mothers with Limited Resources in Areas with Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Leny Latifah (Litbangkes Kemenkes, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Evidence-Based Planning in Improving the Health Service and Insurance
Utilization in Addressing Child Survival
M. Faozi Kurniawan (Pusat Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Mother's Social Capital and Child Health in Indonesia
Sujarwoto (Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Dr. Sabarinah Prasetya (Universitas Indonesia)



Dr. Hadiat, MA (BAPPENAS)

Theme 5:

Enabling Environment for Social Protection


Lunch Break


Policy Discussion II (Room:Candi Singosari)


Dr. Vivi Alatas

(World Bank)



Dr. Ir. Cheppy K.

Sumadilaga, MA. (BAPPENAS)



Social Protection Floors in South East Asia: Closing Protection Gaps for Children and Families
Rachael Chadwick (ILO, Indonesia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Child Poverty and Social Protection in the Philippines
Augusto Rodriguez (UNICEF Philippines)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Malaysia’s Approach in Curbing Child Poverty and Increasing Social Protection
Chua Choon Hwa (Malaysia’s Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia)

-  Abstract (pdf)

-  Paper (pdf)

-   Profile (pdf)

-   PowerPoint (ind) (eng)


Coffee Break


Wrap-up of Day 2 Parallel Sessions (Room: Candi Singosari)

 Dr. Ir. Pribudiarta Nur (Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak)


Conclusion (Room: Candi Singosari)

Dr. Asep Suryahadi (SMERU Research Institute, Indonesia)


Closing Remarks

Dr. Marc Lucet (UNICEF Indonesia)

Dra. Nina Sardjunani, MA. (Deputy Minister for Human Resources, BAPPENAS)